Automatic motorcycle, like Yamaha Mio, Honda Vario, and the latest is Yamaha Mio Soul and Suzuki Skyware, is the most customable motor type. In recent post, I've ever talk about one of Mio Modification which I rewrite from Ali Wardana's Blog.
Well,.. now I want to display some of componets used for customizing your Yamaha Mio, Honda Vario, Yamaha Mio Soul, or Suzuki Skyware. I copy this Ali from Ali Wardana's Blog. Well,.. Ali I help you to sell your stuff .. ;D

Keranjang MIO
Vario, warna lengkap deh pokoke….. mo bikin double RPM di MIO guampang kok langsung aja telp OMC 021-70755444 / 021-68955054.
Cooling Fan:

Kipas MIO, Warna Biru, Merah cocok sekali disandingkan dengan Tutup kipas Transparant. Kelihatan dari luar akan beda apalagi jika berputar, kinclong abis . Pls Call OMC 021-70755444.

Klakson Suara Kebo, Klakson Type R 12 suara, MIO Suara MOGE dll ada semua di OMC, call aja deh langsung 021-70755444 / 021-68955054

Tutup Kipas MIO, Warna Transparan, Transparan Biru, Biru, Merah, Chrome dll semua tersedia lengkap di OMC pls call 021-70755444 / 021-68955054.
CVT Cover:

Cover CVT MIO , Warna Chrome, Gold, Merah Anodize, Biru Anodize. Ngecat Cover CVT juga bisa dilakukan di OMC pls Call 021-70755444 / 021-68955054.
Baut, Ring Posh Segala ukuran untuk semua MOTOR, baut L Segala Ukuran, Skup Model Baul L Warna Anodize pasti membuat tampilan motor anda centil. Lengkap .. kap… kap semuanya ada di OMC pls Call 021-70755444 / 021-68955054.