Yamaha Motor Company (YMC) as a principle Yamaha make special modifications. This work is on display in Jakarta Motorcycle Show (JMS) in 2008 which took place 6-13 December 2008. Change of Yamaha V-Ixion was a booth attraction PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI). V-Ixion modif version is named V-II by using the fairing.

--- Endro 576yamaha-3.jpgSecara details, clothes fairing V-II-like moge Yamaha R6 and R1. Look ahead of the R1 and R6 nuances behind there. But, its dimension is reduced and the curves follow the basic V-Ixion.
In fact there was so applicable section. Nose V-II as closed, without a head lamp. Actually, that trick alone. After the light-577yamaha --- endro 4.jpgdepan activated, automatically opens the motor nose. "One moves up and the two parts move to the right and left," said Hideto Kawamura, Marketing Advisor, PT YMKI.
The question is, will the V-II models sold in Indonesia? "This is just a prototype. We just want to know wrote a response in the Indonesian visitors. If the same make dengn R15 is not necessarily suitable for the market in Indonesia, " Kawamura.